Prototype Framework-Projects
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TSP Framework + Python (GA + BF + SA + HC + NN)
public version (demo only) | members-only version (demo, write, and test run)
Python Framework for Solving the Traveling Salesman Problem
Framework currently includes Genetic Algorithm, Brute Force, Simulated Annealing, Hill Climbing, and Neural Networks Algorithms
Haversine formula used for calculating distances between cities
Each city is identified by its latitude and longitude coordinates
Cities data can be hardcoded, from db, or from file
TSP Framework + JAVA (ACO + GA + BF + SA + HC + NN)
public version (demo only) | members-only version (demo, write, and test run)
JAVA Framework for Solving the Traveling Salesman Problem
Framework currently includes Ant Colony Optimization , Genetic Algorithm, Brute Force, Simulated Annealing, Hill Climbing, and Neural Networks Algorithms
Haversine formula used for calculating distances between cities
Each city is identified by its latitude and longitude coordinates
Cities data can be hardcoded, from db, or from file
TSP Framework + P2P + JAVA (ACO + GA + BF + SA + HC + NN)
public version (demo only) | members-only version (demo, write, and test run)
Refactor TSP Framework + JAVA, add P2P functionality
Multiple peers cooperate in finding route w/ shortest distance
Run Brute Force Algorithm in distributed mode i.e. each peer solves part of the problem (we’ll find any potential issues and how to solve them)
Application can run in both Standalone and P2P modes
Class Scheduling Framework 01 (GA+HC+JAVA+SQLite)
public version (demo only) | members-only version (demo, write, and test run)
JAVA Class Scheduling Framework 01 (Genetic Algorithm and Hill Climbing Algorithms) + SQLite